Hello to all my wedding couples and celebration cake clients,
I’ve had a couple of you get in touch in the last day or so, regarding your cakes on order, so I thought it might be a good idea to explain the situation.
Wedding Cakes:
Our standard terms and conditions will be relaxed due to Coronavirus. If your wedding is cancelled, we will look to provide a refund (minus a small admin fee for supplies bought and preparation work done).
If your wedding is postponed, we will await your new date, and, providing we are not booked, move your order to your new wedding date free or charge.
In the event that we are booked and are unable to move your booking to the new date, we will look to refund you, minus a small admin fee. As well as working with you to find a suitable alternative cake maker to fulfil your order. We do hope however, that for each of our bookings, this would not be the case, and we would in fact be able to rebook you for a new date.
If you are considering whether it would be prudent to postpone your wedding for the sake of keeping your guests safe, or if your venue stipulates this, please let us know at your earliest convenience, so that we may be able to rebook your new wedding date.
All Cake Customers:
Whether it be wedding cakes, celebration cakes, cake pops etc. Please understand that I may find it difficult to source my usual supplies, especially if the country continue to panic buy. If this is the case, I will do my upmost to ensure your cake is as near to the flavour and/or design as originally requested and discuss with you if there will need to be any substitutions.
If I should contract Coronavirus, and hence have to shut down the kitchen for 14 days, those orders scheduled during that time will be notified at the earliest convenience and a full refund given.
Steps we are taking:
We are practicing social distancing and avoiding any gatherings, as per governmental instructions, and only going to a shop when we need to buy food or cake supplies. As Mr Bakery Den can vouch, I have always been really quite obsessive with cleaning the kitchen, I find it quite therapeutic washing down all the surfaces before and after baking...I also generally follow Mr Bakery Den around the kitchen, armed with Dettol! I myself am the sole person whom bakes your cakes, and can assure you that rigorous hand washing always takes place. I used to work in a hospital, where I became conscious about washing my hands so regularly throughout my working day. Now Coronavirus is around, this has become even more frequent, and I, even more obsessive about hand hygiene(!). Cake supplies are kept separately to all other food in our kitchen, and are only ever handled by myself.
To conclude, make sure to put you and your family’s health first. Stay safe, and follow government advice, regardless of how heartbreaking it may be to postpone your wedding. Vendors will still be around post-Coronavirus.
If you have any other questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to email me at
NB: Apologies that this has taken a while to post, I’m currently on holiday (in a country that, at present, doesn‘t have Coronavirus).
Lets go do some social distancing 💪🏻
Holly @ TBD x